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Marine Transportation

Marine Transportation

We specialize in planning and executing vessel and barge transportation of OOG and heavy lift project cargo. From the creation of stowage plan, stability (during lift and transportation) and load spreading analysis, we employ the latest numerical methods and most reliable software giving us ability to make the maximum usage of the vessel and barge capabilities and valuable cargo stowage space. 

Our methods apply to all types of vessels and barges available in the market. We emphasize on choosing the most appropriate method and level of detail to ensure your cargo reaches safely to the point of delivery.


Two Rivers Engineering Process

1. Concept

  • Client briefing & project scope

  • Applicable codes and regulations

  • Preliminary stowage plan based on market research and vessel availability

  • Preliminary budgetary proposal

2. Analysis & Results

  • Lifting analysis using the performer vessel details and equipment available 

  • Load spreading analysis

  • Deck strength analysis (if required)

  • Sea fastening analysis

  • Seakeeping analysis (if required)

  • Final costing of additional equipment required

3. Optimisation & Final Report

  • Refinement of solution based on equipment available and possible alternatives

  • Final transportation analysis report

  • Loading and discharge supervision

  • Post-Project report