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Transportation Planning

Transportation Planning

We are committed to provide the most effective tailor-made solution for door-to-door delivery of your cargo. With a unique blend of experience from working in Oil and offshore EPAC projects, project cargo shipping (representing vessel owners) and experience handling projects from freight forwarding side, and a keen understanding of the needs of different stakeholders involved, our team takes into consideration all the different elements that need to come together for the execution of a transportation project.


Two Rivers Engineering Process

1. Concept

  • Client briefing & project scope

  • Applicable codes and regulations

  • Definition of Scope of work

  • Market research

  • Preliminary/ budgetary proposal

2. Design

  • Detailed description of the technical problems

  • Step by step analysis to find the unique solution for the land and marine transportation of cargo 

  • Definition of Risks, limits and contingency measures

3. Optimisation & Execution

  • Refinement of solution based on the most reliable and economical infrastructure available

  • Final transportation analysis report

  • Loading, Transportation and Unloading supervision

  • Post-Project report submission